Bridget's Battle Foundation, Inc.


A Letter from Tom Schuh

Everyone knows someone who has been touched by cancer. In my case, the inspiration for Bridget’sBattle was my wife Bridget, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2008. Bridget wastreated at Roswell Park Cancer Institute until she passed away in January 2014.
Those who met Bridget discovered her upbeat personality, and her strong will to enjoy a full, rich lifewhile fighting her condition. One of her greatest joys was music. We especially loved to go to ourfavorite musical hangout, The Dockside Inn, in North Tonawanda. We met there in 2007, gotengaged there and even got married there! We spent many nights together listening to bands there,and occasionally gave karaoke our best shot.
Those nights led to the hatching of an idea to have a big jam session with all the Dockside bands.Once we started planning the event, it seemed right to ask for a small donation at the door, andRoswell was a perfect beneficiary. Our first Dockside Band Jam happened in the fall of 2010,followed by annual repeats in 2011 and 2012. Dan and Gloria Wingrove, the generous owners ofDockside, matched the donations at the door each year, and we were able to make significantcontributions to Roswell Park.
Unfortunately, Bridget’s condition worsened in 2013, and we decided not to hold an event that year.She was hospitalized, and passed away in early 2014. Bridget’s memory inspired us to carry on inher honor, and Bridget’s Battle was officially born. We held the first official Band Jam event laterthat year, at Crazy Jake’s in North Tonawanda, and the Bridget’s Battle Foundation was created in2017.
Through the incredible support of our musicians, foundation board, patrons, sponsors, vendors,and friends, we celebrated our tenth anniversary with our most recent Band Jam last November atBuffalo Riverworks! Over the last decade, at venues all over Western New York, including Brawler’sBack-Alley Deli, Pearl Street Grill and Brewery, The Cove, Banchetti by Rizzo’s, and Abbey Square,we have raised over $75,000 for the Roswell Park family, including our most recent donations to TheAngel Fund, founded by Roswell benefactor Phil Hubbell.
Bridget’s Battle XI is being planned for later this fall, at a date and venue to be announced. Many ofour talented performers have appeared at every one of our events dating back to 2010. In additionto all-day music, we will have plenty of prize raffles and themed baskets up for auction, a 50/50 splitraffle, available food and beverages, plus a few surprises! The $10 donation “at the door” will getyou a guaranteed good time!
Our help provides critically needed funds, providing hope to the individuals and families touched bythis terrible disease. Together, we can help find cancer cures and save lives.Love and blessings to all,
Tom SchuhPresidentBridget’s Battle Foundation, Inc.

Band Jam X is Another Success!

We celebrated our tenth anniversary with one of the biggest and best Band Jams yet, on Sunday, November 12, 2023 at Buffalo RiverWorks! It was a full of day of live music, raffles, silent auctions, door prizes, 50/50, and more. We raised a total of $6,850 for The Angel Fund at Roswell, and our 10-year+ total is now over $75,000!

Our 2024 date for Band Jam XI will be announced soon! 

Bridget's Battle Band Jam IX!

Latest Event Raises $6,000!

Our ninth-annual Band Jam capped off a great Thanksgiving weekend with seven bands and hundreds of supporters at Buffalo RiverWorks! We donated nearly $6,000 to The Angel Fund at Roswell Park, and expect that number to grow even bigger before year's end! Thanks to all our volunteers, bands, and friends for ANOTHER GREAT YEAR, with even bigger and better things planned for 2023, Year Ten!!

Our Beneficiary - The Angel Fund!

The Angel Fund was originally established by a generous donor to help provide financial support to Roswell Park Cancer Institute patients that are faced with financial challenges as they also face a cancer diagnosis and treatment. The Angel Fund has helped patients and their families with transportation costs, medical equipment, basics such as heat and water, and so many other things to assist patients and their families in their time of need.

We are proud to be partnering with Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, by giving all donations from our annual Band Jam events to support The Angel Fund. Your support will ensure that The Angel Fund will be able to continue. Together we can make a difference!

Cool 101 - Internet Radio Partner!

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